It is correctly said that culture is a form of our identity, it differentiates one human group from another , but let me take you on a virtual guide tour of a culture that unites people, the " BRAJ CULTURE" but before that , let us first learn about the regions that are considered to be a part of the BRAJ SHETRA ( braj region) . I take pride in calling myself a "brijwasi" . 


Braj, also known as Brij or Brijbhoomi, is a region in India on both sides of the Yamuna river with its centre at Mathura-Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh state encompassing the area which also includes Hodal in Haryana state and Bharatpur district in Rajasthan state.

Quite well defined, culturally, even though not so geographically, Braj Bhoomi, is spread over a area of around 5,000 square kilometers. On its northern fringe, Braj Bhoomi starts at a distance of around 115 KMs from the political border of India’s capital New Delhi, along the National Highway.

The brajbhoomi is not defined by measured boundaries, but the braj culture resides in the heart of people. It is a living culture and a living phenomenon. 


The rules of behaviour  and the moral beliefs are the things which have been in existence from the  times immemorial.  Some of these include:

  • Worshiping deities( particularly lord Krishna). 
As we go deep in the braj region and study more about the braj culture , we will find that the people consider lord Krishna to be a part of their families and treat them just like any other family members. Ladies here treat "Balgopal" ( young krishna) as their child. they offer him food two times a day, make him take a bath in the holy water, and take him along everywhere they go. 

  • Marks on the  forehead ( teeka ) 
We start our day with putting a teeka on our forehead. The teeka might be made of " Chandan"( sandal wood, yellow in colour)  or a Red teeka. This might not be in practice currently on a daily basis, as people prefer to go to their workplace without the teeka, but it can be seen very significantly on festivals and on a special occasion or day ,  wishing luck to the people for their day. 
  • Charan sparsh 
Charan sparsh, touching the feet of elders or any respected person of the family is commonly seen in many hindu family. We start our day by touching the feet of our parents or grandparents in order to receive blessings for them. Commonly young girls do not touch the feet of elderly men. 

___________LANGUAGE __________

The language plays a major role in representing a culture, and our language , the "Braj bhasha" is one of the sweetest languages spoken in India. However , The Constitution Of India does not recognize " Braj Bhasha " as a language but a dialect, but  that does not affect the millions of people speaking it. It is not only limited to barsana, mathura and Agra but many people from Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar are fond of speaking braj bhasha. Poets including Kabir, Rahim and Amir Khusrao have written some of their best work in the braj language , including " chaap tilak ", one of the most famous poems of all times.  
  • Weddings 

At Hindu weddings, the bride and bridegroom represent the god and the goddess. The groom, decked in all his finery, often travels to the wedding site on a caparisoned white horse accompanied by a procession of relatives, musicians, and bearers of ornate electrified lamps.

The actual ceremonies in many cases become extremely elaborate, but orthodox Hindu marriages typically have at their center the recitation of mantras by priests. In a crucial rite, the new couple takes seven steps northward from a sacred household fire, turn, and make offerings into the flames.  

the Janeu ceremony   

At the ceremony , the family priest invests the boy with a sacred thread to be worn always over the left shoulder, and the parents instruct him in pronouncing the Gayatri mantra. The initiation ceremony is seen as a new birth; those groups entitled to wear the sacred thread are called the twice-born. We can see the brahmans in the braj region wearing the sacred Janeu thread.

______THE SANJHI ART ______

Sanjhi Art is one of the many art forms prevalent in the culturally rich land of Braj. Radharani herself initiated the practice of Sanjhi by creating such designs with the fellow Gopis. They visited the forest and collected the flowers to make beautiful patterns on the ground in order to please the angry Krishna.In the current times, Brahmin priests specially trained in this art prepare them in temples. They are composed using dry colors upon an octagonal earthen platform symbolizing an eight-petalled lotus. The most common type of temple Sanjhi is made of colored powder. Another type of design is created from dry colors on water and underwater respectively. Flower designs are also in vogue.


There is no particular style of dressing in braj but we often see women wearing bright sarees or lehanga choli and men in dhoti- kurta or kurta-pyjama. The brides wear " chunnri " with the sarees . Let me share what I saw years back while travelling to barsana. It was a day with clouds over our heads when I saw a group of women dressed in bright coloured lehanga with heavy white jewellery and their veil on . those women were standing next to a well , situated right in the middle of a mustard farm . some of the women had more than two pots over their head . It was a site I still remember , and I wait to witness the same scene whenever I travel to that place. 


We all have heard about the famous delicacies of the Braj region , let me take a moment to remind you all about those mouth watering dishes.
  • Mathura ke pethe 

  • barsana ki rabri , dudh , dahi, makhan . ( lord krishna's favorite ) 
  • aloo puri
  • raj blog at temples
Most people following the braj culture prefer not to eat non vegetarian food and also some of the vegetables including onion and garlic. 


Here comes the most interesting part about the braj culture, the festivals, and one of the most enjoyed and celebrated festivals is "LATTH-MAAR HOLI" while most festivals are celebrated similarly as in other cultures and states. It is not possible that anybody has not heard of it . Many people, including me have never been a part of the latth mar holi , but as my mother describes it, it is just mesmerising. The preparations for this festival start months before the actual date, over thousands of people come to BARSANA, My maternal house, to witness this great event. Here is a short glimpse of LATTH MAAR HOLI.


"Krishna Janmashtmi"  and "Radhaashthami" are  also the most celebrated festivals  with people decorating sets and stages , also called as " jhanki" which depicts the life events of lord Krishna and Radha respectively.  We all have heard about these massive celebrations taking place at the " krishna janmbhoomi", you will find a picture of the same below. 

___________RELIGION __________

The Braj culture has been majorly followed by hindus as it is deep rooted with the era of Lord krishna. People mostly greet each other by cheating " Radhe Radhe " . Lord krishna and Radha are inseparable from Braj .There is no doubt that there are many  Muslim  and jain braj speakers but not many are seen following the braj culture .

_________Architecture ________

As mentioned earlier , this culture is deeply associated with Hinduism, most of the architectural sites include the  Hindu temples. 

  • Radha rani temple , barsana 

  • krishna janmbhoomi , mathura ( birthplace of lord krishna) 

  • govardhan temple

    👉I would like to share some pictures of Brajbhoomi clicked by me , depicting the architecture of the houses and streets there. There is a famous " Rangeeli gali " , you will get to know why it is called so after looking at this picture. this is the street  where "lattha mar holi "  is  initiated and played . 

    👉paintings on the walls of the forts which were once the residence of kings .
    👉priya kund, you will find the importance of this pond in the video shown above. also, on the occasion of "radhashthmi" , the idol of radharani is made to come downhill to this pond. one fascinating fact about this pond is , its depth is still not known, which makes it more special. 

    last but not the least,  I would conclude this blog saying  that culture does not restrict us from adapting to the modernizing world , but culture is something that motivates us and inspires us to do better.
    " doom will be  the day we stop preserving the culture, protecting our culture and respecting our and others' culture." 

    by Ojaswini Johri 


  1. Very informative and mesmerising ❤️

  2. Very nice ! I'm happy to see your emphasize on Braj culture.

  3. Very informative! Keep up the good work!♥️

  4. Loved the great attention to detail about the Braj culture. Good work!

  5. Radhe Radhe. So glad that we are half brij people as our mothers are from this holy land. Very beautiful article. Jai Baan ke Bihari Laal ki.

  6. Amazing blog!!!! More power to such unique cultures!!! Keep up the good work!

  7. Superb blog and very nice to read

  8. Radhe Radhe!
    As Sri Krishna says, And when he sees me in all and sees all in me, then I never leave him and he never leaves me. And he, who in this oneness of love loves me in whatever he sees, wherever this man may live, in truth, he lives in me...
    I would say that Krishna means love but Radha means longing. Longing is always older than love. 🙏
    A very cherishing read from start to end. Though concise, it conveys the message very clearly.
    "Tradition is not the worshipping of ashes, rather its the preservation of fire 🔥."

  9. It really informative thanks for sharing

  10. tooo good ojaswini....amazing work!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You can do better! Great job on this! Hope to see more work from you!

  13. Truly bewildering di👌 . Very interesting and informative👍 . Radhe Radhe🙏 . Jai Shree Ram🙏


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